
Gluten Free Not By Choice

plural life·styles

[count: a particular way of living : the way a person lives or a group of people live 
 She envied the lavish lifestyles of wealthy people.  Eating right and exercising are essential to having/leading/living a healthy lifestyle.

I'm really beginning to wish that we could go back in time and have someone coin a new term for those of us who eat Gluten Free out of medical necessity. Seeing the words diet or lifestyle next to Gluten Free really cranks my gears. It often implies choice. Something someone with a dietary restriction does not have.

I guess I just feel that Celiac Disease needs to be separated from the mainstream. Put in the forefront if you will. If someone wants to eat Gluten Free by choice that's a-okay. However, I would like that to get less hype. Celiac/Intolerance needs to be the star of the show here. No one ever confuses people watching their sugar intake to lose weight with Diabetics. Nor does anyone ever say that they maintain a shellfish free lifestyle. 

Many people see me eating something that is Gluten Free and feel the need to mention that they "tried" it (Gluten Free) once and just couldn't handle the restriction. Talk about a pet peeve. I wish people understood how silly they sound. Yes, it's frustrating gibberish that I can roll off of my back. But the hard part is the shear lack of education out there about Celiac Disease. Sometimes I think that the blissfully ignorant are worse to deal with than the disease itself.


Tim Hortons Gluten Free Macaroons - Review

With all the talk of American franchise Dunkin Donuts offering an array of pre packaged Gluten Free goodies, you can imagine my delight when out of nowhere Canada's beloved Timmy's surprised us with Gluten Free coconut macaroons! Totally unexpected AWESOMENESS right?!

Yes, I have a sweet tooth ;)

Let's talk about why I am loving this yummy treat -

  • Tim Horton's rolled this product out the right way - with Celiac customers in mind. A first of it's kind in Canada.
  • It is certified Gluten Free through the Canadian Celiac Association's Gluten Free Certification Program and that is no easy feat. They have very strict policies that keep Celiac health a number one priority.Check my photo above for the seal of approval.
  • Price point is $1.29 for a pack of two macaroons. That alone says that Tim Hortons cares as they are not attempting to nickel and dime us like most companies who venture into the Gluten Free world.
  • Each package is individually wrapped and prepared off site in a dedicated facility.

I would not  consider myself a coconut fan but I really enjoyed the texture and flavour of this sweet little meringue style confection! The added bonus of a chocolate drizzle is just enough without going overboard. If you are not normally a sweets person, this is most likely not a product for you. 

They are small enough to fit in a purse or a small lunch bag while being packed full of flavour. Makes for an easy to take "just in case" snack for those adventurous moments where something Gluten Free may not be easily accessible.

It's a great product for a treat and by treat I mean something that is consumed in moderation. Yeah, it's quite sweet so lets go there for a nano second - This is a snack. It is by no means meant to be healthy. Does anyone honestly walk into a donut shop and expect health food? I think not. So with that being said I applaud Tim Hortons efforts to create a Gluten Free item on their menu.

We now have an option on the road. Seeing as there is a Tim Hortons on nearly every block and every major highway exit in Canada, finding these babies should be easy peasy. We drove to Florida last year and a certified option like this would have been a welcome convenience! I can imagine the joy of Celiac cottage goers as well. 

The website states that the Gluten Free macaroons are available for "a limited time" which is kind of disappointing. But I understand that they probably want to see how well it is received before they make any long term decisions regarding it. I for one am hoping that this product does well. If it does, perhaps we could see Gluten Free prepackaged muffins and donuts in our future.

Thank you Tim Hortons for being Celiac friendly!

*Disclosure : I was sent a free sample of Tim Hortons Gluten Free Macaroons. My opinion is that of my own and was in no way affected.


Easy Eats For A Gluten Free Trip

With Summer finally here, that means a lot of us will be going on little getaways. Driving, flying or just spending the day away from home, it's always best to have a safe food plan. Below is a list of my favourite items for on the go and the best part (aside from taste) is that they do NOT require heating or cooling. How's that for simplistic awesome?!

Enjoy Life Mountain Mambo is a tasty seed and fruit mix that comes in a resealable pouch. I love this product and buy it regularly! It's the perfect trail mix with it's lovely balance of sweet and salty. There is also just enough chocolate to fill that sugar craving while maintaining it's healthiness.

I stumbled across these by accident when we drove to Walt Disney World last October. What a genius idea - they really are a picnic meal in a box. The Turkey Pepperoni & Cheese was my absolute favorite!

Bummer note - currently not available in Canada. Will have to stock up next time I'm in the States!

LARABAR Fruit and Nut Bars are a very convenient travel item. The Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough bar is one of my favourites - it really is like eating cookie dough! There are 19 different kinds of bars, 9 of which are available in Canada. 

These cookies offer the right amount of sweetness and the perfect snap of crunch. I buy them in individual packages of two at my local Bulk Barn. The large boxes are great for home, but the smaller double packs are perfect for on the go. Each of the 4 flavours gets a star in my book!


Do YOU Have Any Gluten Free Pet Peeves?

10 The use of the word Celiacs. Celiac is derived from the Greek word koiliakos, which means abdominal. Not trying to be the word police, but hey lets get the name of our lifelong special feature right ;)

9 Crazy people who think that I should only eat 100% healthy because I am Gluten Free. Don't try to unjunk my GF junk food and I promise that I will only eat it in moderation, along with my fruits and veggies.

8 The assumption that GF is healthy for EVERYONE. *bangs head on desk*

7 When people say that they wish that they had my willpower so that they could lose weight. *Facepalm*

6 Restaurants with GF options but no formal training on how to keep them that way

5 The smart ass who decided that everything Gluten Free shall be the same price as a brick of gold

4 People who get bent out of shape at the mention of, or hope for a Celiac Disease cure.There is always a risk for product recalls due to mislabelling or CC. I would rather at least be able to take something to prevent serious damage after a mishap than not.

3 Diet and Gluten Free in the same sentence. So very, very wrong and misleading. Ever hear of anyone on the Nut Free Diet or taking up a Shellfish Free Lifestyle? Nope.

2 People who only discuss Gluten Free in the media to make money off of a book or product which they are selling. These people also never advocate for Celiac Awareness. I'm looking at you Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Gwyneth Paltrow.

1 When someone says that they are supposed to eat Gluten Free due to Celiac or an intolerance, then openly admit that they do not stick to the regime 100%. You are part of the problem, not the solution. Buck up or shut up.


Stuttering John's - Gluten Free Review

A little while ago hubby told me about Stuttering John's and asked if I would like to have dinner there. I have to admit that I was skeptical at first for a couple of reasons. One being that I have an extremely hard time trusting the Gluten Freeness of a place I've never been to before and two, the location of the restaurant is in the heart of downtown Oshawa which usually isn't my first choice for an outing.

Putting both issues aside, we ended up going to Stuttering John's for dinner. 


Once inside the restaurant, the grunginess of downtown Shwa disappears. I shouldn't be so harsh. There IS a lot of greatness in the area... unfortunately it can become muddled with the not so greatness that comes along with any downtown area. With more places like this, Oshawa's downtown will be a great place for an outing. The GM Centre is in walking distance if you're in the mood for a sporting event or even a concert. Generals games are always exciting!

 Not only is the atmosphere inside Stuttering John's warm and inviting, it feels like you're just hanging out at a friend's. Cheesy sounding I know, but it's so true! The restaurant is set up with a variety of booths, bar seating and a lounge inspired area with couches and armchairs.They even utilize the beautiful artwork of a local artist.

The food was such a change from the norm for me. It was out of this world. I had the Smokin Brisket. Minus the bun as they did not have any GF ones at the time. As you can see from the first photo, portions are generous! The meat was tender, juicy and FULL of flavour!

We  went back a second time for dinner recently and I was informed that they have Gluten Free buns! I chose to enjoy something that I haven't been able to order in years - Smoken Clubhouse. I had the same side salad with Raspberry Vinaigrette. The Gluten Free buns are sourced from Cocoa and Joe's in Oshawa and Oh Em Gee were they ever wonderful! I'm sad that I did not have my camera with me for this meal because it was just as awesome as the first time around.

  • Service is friendly and fast
  • They do Gluten Free right
  • It's a great place for the whole family to chow down
  • Prices are super affordable
  • They have evening entertainment ranging from Comedy Night to Live Music and Karaoke
  • Variety on the kids menu
  • Relaxed atmosphere
  • They air playoff games on big tvs... GO LEAFS GO!

One thing that would make my meal here complete - Gluten Free Dessert. Nothing like an ooey gooey brownie after dinner. *Hint Hint* ;)

Visit Stuttering John's website
Like them on Facebook and
Follow them on Twitter

Something super cool to think about- Stuttering John's was contacted by the folks at Food Networks You Gotta Eat Here. Help make sure that they are chosen for the show by emailing:

*As always when dining out, please verify with your server that your dietary needs can and will be accommodated. 


DK Gluten Free Cookbook Pie Crust Review

This just happens to be one of my favourite cook books. Over the weekend I attempted to make a shortcrust pastry (page 44-45) for lemon meringue pie. 

I have to tell you that I am TERRIBLE at making pie crust. The pre packaged mixes at the supermarket have even seen me fail epicly. Normally I get results that are so bad, they are actually kind of comical. That being said, this was a challenge I was not holding out high hope for.

Guess what?

The shortcrust pastry ended up being super easy to make AND it tasted great too! 

The recipe makes a crust that is flaky but doesn't fall apart. You really get a subtle hint a buttery flavour when biting into this crust. I love that it holds up when I cut into my lemon meringue pie. No exploding crumbly mess of a crust here.

As you can see, I made two different size pies. One in miniature pie tins, which are a good size to share with someone. The other was in silicon muffin cups. The muffin cup pies were great as an single portioned lemon meringue pie. They were far from delicate and held up while eating without utensils. Pretty swanky if you ask me. ;)

I should note that I used Better Batter all purpose Gluten Free flour. As per Better Batter instructions, I omitted the use of Xanthan gum that was required in the recipe.

This is a flour that is quite hard for me to find locally (I found it at Winners which seem to only randomly carry things) so we shall see if this recipe is just as awesome with other all purpose Gluten Free flour mixes.

Gluten Free Grocery Shopping Makes My Head Spin

Sometimes (okay, more often then not) I wander through some serious mental dilemma when I'm grocery shopping for my Gluten Free pantry. I get this "what if" anxiety. It goes a little like this...

If I love this product, will I ever get to see it again?

What if it tastes great and then the manufacturer tweaks the recipe, in turn ruining said great product?

If I take a chance and stock up on a new product, what are the odds that I will not like it?

What if my local grocery stores stop carrying something that I buy regularly?

Does this have Oates in it? I can't tolerate Gluten Free Oates. They make me very ill and seeing them in more GF products frustrates me. 

Will the price increase if word gets out that this item is awesome? You know, just because it can happen.

Do I actually need this? Or am I buying it just because it's new and Gluten Free?

How often will this item be on sale? Maybe I should buy a lot and then play tetris with my freezer to make it all fit.

What if said item is only ever on sale once? I've seen this happen.

WHEN will the rest of Betty Crocker's Gluten Free line fill Canadian shelves? Population density baloney or not, we have the NEED and desire to purchase it! FYI they are manufactured in Canada. Yep.

Why do Organic / Natural  labelled non GF products always get shelved with my beloved Gluten Free items? 

Will I use this product before it expires? In my experience, the expiry dates are extremely varied.


This policy is valid from 23 February 2013

This is a personal blog written and edited by me. All opinions are that of my own. I am not a healthcare professional or an expert. All information presented in this blog is purely that of my own experience and or opinion. Please consult a medical professional before making any changes to your diet.

I write this blog as a hobby that I am passionate about. From time to time, I may receive monetary compensation for a sponsored post. I only work with brands that I trust and would use in my own home.

This blog accepts complimentary products for review. The opinions I have of a product will never be swayed by a company sending me an item(s) for free. I take into consideration the opinion of family members who are gluten-free due to Celiac Disease and I also value the opinions of non-gluten free family members. Taste is a matter of personal opinion so please use your own discretion and don't take my opinion as a gold standard.

Any ingredient or gluten-free claims should be verified with the restaurant/manufacturer as things can and do change.

For questions about this blog, please contact:

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© Gluten Free Doll. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.