Pet Peeves


Everybody Has Something To Sell

Why is it that Gluten Free is such a phony baloney money maker? Who decided that Gluten Free shall be trendy? I'm surprised I haven't seen an infomercial that claims to  hold the cure yet. Every day I am blown away by what is out there and it's just getting worse. I wish that people would STOP CASHING IN ON CELIAC DISEASE. 

The other day I read an article on a reputable mom site that was all about hidden gluten. I should have stopped right away when the person who wrote the article mentioned the Wheatbelly author. Apparently I have too much faith in people as I continued on. The article closed with a Ryan Seacrest cavalierness about going Gluten Free for even just 16 days. The kicker was the direct link at the at the bottom of the page,which led to the author's website. That website hocks a Gluten Free Renewal Cleanse for the low low price of $89.00. 

What gives? Why is Celiac the disease to exploit? 


Gluten Free Not By Choice

plural life·styles

[count: a particular way of living : the way a person lives or a group of people live 
 She envied the lavish lifestyles of wealthy people.  Eating right and exercising are essential to having/leading/living a healthy lifestyle.

I'm really beginning to wish that we could go back in time and have someone coin a new term for those of us who eat Gluten Free out of medical necessity. Seeing the words diet or lifestyle next to Gluten Free really cranks my gears. It often implies choice. Something someone with a dietary restriction does not have.

I guess I just feel that Celiac Disease needs to be separated from the mainstream. Put in the forefront if you will. If someone wants to eat Gluten Free by choice that's a-okay. However, I would like that to get less hype. Celiac/Intolerance needs to be the star of the show here. No one ever confuses people watching their sugar intake to lose weight with Diabetics. Nor does anyone ever say that they maintain a shellfish free lifestyle. 

Many people see me eating something that is Gluten Free and feel the need to mention that they "tried" it (Gluten Free) once and just couldn't handle the restriction. Talk about a pet peeve. I wish people understood how silly they sound. Yes, it's frustrating gibberish that I can roll off of my back. But the hard part is the shear lack of education out there about Celiac Disease. Sometimes I think that the blissfully ignorant are worse to deal with than the disease itself.


Do YOU Have Any Gluten Free Pet Peeves?

10 The use of the word Celiacs. Celiac is derived from the Greek word koiliakos, which means abdominal. Not trying to be the word police, but hey lets get the name of our lifelong special feature right ;)

9 Crazy people who think that I should only eat 100% healthy because I am Gluten Free. Don't try to unjunk my GF junk food and I promise that I will only eat it in moderation, along with my fruits and veggies.

8 The assumption that GF is healthy for EVERYONE. *bangs head on desk*

7 When people say that they wish that they had my willpower so that they could lose weight. *Facepalm*

6 Restaurants with GF options but no formal training on how to keep them that way

5 The smart ass who decided that everything Gluten Free shall be the same price as a brick of gold

4 People who get bent out of shape at the mention of, or hope for a Celiac Disease cure.There is always a risk for product recalls due to mislabelling or CC. I would rather at least be able to take something to prevent serious damage after a mishap than not.

3 Diet and Gluten Free in the same sentence. So very, very wrong and misleading. Ever hear of anyone on the Nut Free Diet or taking up a Shellfish Free Lifestyle? Nope.

2 People who only discuss Gluten Free in the media to make money off of a book or product which they are selling. These people also never advocate for Celiac Awareness. I'm looking at you Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Gwyneth Paltrow.

1 When someone says that they are supposed to eat Gluten Free due to Celiac or an intolerance, then openly admit that they do not stick to the regime 100%. You are part of the problem, not the solution. Buck up or shut up.


The Gluten Free Differences Between Us

I'm so very tired of people fussing over "unhealthy" Gluten Free products. 

Instead of complaining,  chastising and pitching a fit, why not be thankful for the Gluten Free options out there. If we don't like what is available, then it is up to us as a community to be active and let the manufacturers know what we want. There is no need to blast someone who gets excited over a new Gluten Free product that does not fit into everyone's vision of what is an acceptable food choice.

We DO need to see a healthier selection of Gluten Free products on the market. But that does not mean that I wish to forgo my chocolate chip cookies. And no I'm not endorsing Diabetes.

Moderation is a key ingredient that people often forget about. There is nothing wrong with a snack in conjunction with a well balanced diet.

Being Gluten Free does not mean we follow the same food pyramid if you will. We are all different and for different reasons. 

Sugar Free
Lactose Free
Dairy Free

The beat goes on....

We need to respect each other and be understanding. I would never look down on someone for eating something that I avoid. In fact, I am curious by nature so I would probably want to learn more. That doesn't mean that I would jump on board but it does mean that I would not be judgmental. 

Sometimes I just want to enjoy my overpriced Gluten Free cookie without being judged. 

That is all.


Presidents Choice Launches Gluten Free Product Line

Display in bakery department at RCSS

Notice that Spelt Cookies are at far right of display on both shelves.  

 Stuff like this really concerns me. Hubby and I have different views on the matter. He feels that everyone should notice that the cookies are Spelt and that they are technically at the end of the display with no GF label near the price tag.

 Although constant vigilance is a must, I find displays like this can confuse people. I read and re -read every label. Thats just my nature. For someone gathering groceries on a busy day, they may see the Gluten Free sign and grab something without first verifying that it is indeed Gluten Free. When I read the label for the Spelt cookies I noticed something a little scary. Something that will probably confuse many who are new to the GF diet or poorly educated in regards to it. The label stated that the cookies contain a Gluten similar to Wheat Gluten. Some people may think that this is actually safe for them to eat when in fact it is quite harmful.

Another thing that will likely confuse people into purchasing this non GF product is that the displays seem to vary by location. Some locations have only Gluten Free food in the display, while locations like mine have it slightly mixed with Gluten containing products to both the right and left. 

End cap in "Natural Selection" aisle

Hopefully this is just a learning curve and Real Canadian Superstore will change it up. I sampled the Presidents Choice Gluten Free Bread today and will have a review up soon.


This policy is valid from 23 February 2013

This is a personal blog written and edited by me. All opinions are that of my own. I am not a healthcare professional or an expert. All information presented in this blog is purely that of my own experience and or opinion. Please consult a medical professional before making any changes to your diet.

I write this blog as a hobby that I am passionate about. From time to time, I may receive monetary compensation for a sponsored post. I only work with brands that I trust and would use in my own home.

This blog accepts complimentary products for review. The opinions I have of a product will never be swayed by a company sending me an item(s) for free. I take into consideration the opinion of family members who are gluten-free due to Celiac Disease and I also value the opinions of non-gluten free family members. Taste is a matter of personal opinion so please use your own discretion and don't take my opinion as a gold standard.

Any ingredient or gluten-free claims should be verified with the restaurant/manufacturer as things can and do change.

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