
Canadian Law & Cocoa Pebbles Treats

Last week I received a nice surprise from family members who had returned from an American vacation. Gluten Free food! It's always fun to see whats new and different across the border.

The Glutino wafer's were great as always (we have them here too).
Corn Chex is just AWESOME! 
I have yet to make the Betty Crocker cookie mix but noticed on the side of the box that it is manufactured IN Canada! Good news is this line will be sold here soon.
As for the Cocoa Pebbles Treats....YUM! What a great snack! This brings me to the rest of today's post-

I was so impressed with the Cocoa Pebbles Treats (it's a nice change to eat a snack that I don't have to make from scratch) that I sent an e-mail to Post asking if Canada will sell them soon.  Below is the response which really threw me for a loop.

June 08, 2011 
Dear Sandra Lajoie,
Thank you for your inquiry for Post Fruity Pebbles.

Due to character licensing and copyright issues, the Fruity and Cocoa Pebbles cannot be sold in Canada at this time. It is also due to Canadian law popular cartoon characters on the television cannot sell products such as cereal. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you for using Post.

Michael Carpenter
Consumer Response Representative


A law that bans cartoon characters on food cartons? I have yet to confirm this but either way it's a shame. Why should we be punished because other people cannot limit / monitor their child's food consumption properly? I know a lot of the cereal out there IS pretty junky but banning it based on a cartoon character is silly. Why not encourage these companies to make their products healthier? 


After seeing the Gluten Free, Post Cocoa Pebbles in a variety of Canadian stores, I decided to email them to see if we will be getting the GF Cocoa Pebbles Treats any time soon.

Below is the response I received.

April 09, 2013 

Dear Sandra Lajoie,
Thank you for contacting Post Foods regarding Post Cocoa Pebbles Treat Bars. Unfortunately, this product has been discontinued.The Cocoa Pebble Treat Bars have been recently discontinued and you will only see those for a limited time now. The Cocoa Pebbles Cereal is available in Canada at this time and currently that is the only Pebbles or Gluten Free product that we have available to be purchased there.

We appreciate your loyalty and patronage and invite you to try another one of our many products. Thank you again for contacting Post Foods.Kerri Jordan
Consumer Response Representative


My First Online Gluten Free Order

Today I received my gluten free order from the Hospital for Sick Children's Speciality Food Shop. Not only is shipping FREE for Ontario, but my order showed up in only 3 days! They offer a wide selection of Gluten Free products to choose from. So much so that they gained a new loyal customer. I was also really happy to read that ALL of the purchase proceeds directly support patient care and research at the hospital.

 As you can see, I ordered a lot from the Simply Good Line. I stumbled across it on but was disappointed to find out they don't ship it to Canada. So I did some research and came across a review of the cupcake mix by Celiac Baby!. This made me want to order it even more. She let me know that Nut'N Gluten in Vaughan carries the cupcake mix. Unfortunately I probably won't get out that way anytime soon. Always good to know for future reference though! No giving up here. I e-mailed Simply Good (known as Well & Good in the lines Australian home). The response was awesome. I was informed that the line is available through  The Healthy Planet in  Pickering Ontario and online at the Specialty Food Shop (Sick Kids Hospital, Toronto).

I also purchased a pocket book which clearly lists ingredients that we can and cannot consume. Had this about 10 years ago and it was time for an updated version. I find it to be a real asset!


Celiac Cure In Our Future?

There has been chatter lately of a scientific breakthrough regarding Celiac Disease. Researchers at The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in Melbourne Australia have been working on a vaccine. One that is showing favorable results! The first phase of this clinical trial is now complete. Essentially the vaccines goal is to desensitise the bodies reaction to gluten, thus avoiding toxic rejection.

Photo by dzingeek available under CC (by-nc-nd)

Key Points to remember

  • Phase 1 studies show that the vaccine is safe and well tolerated
  • This vaccine could treat up to 90% of people with Celiac Disease
  • Phase 2 trials to take place within the next 10 months
  • Vaccine name : Nexvax2 

Would YOU take this vaccine?
Feelings seem fairly mixed. I'm not sure if it's just people who are against vaccines in general or if some people really feel that a GF diet is sufficient. I have thought deeply about this. For me personally, maintaining a strict GF diet is not and should not be the end of the road. I WANT A CURE! Following a GF diet is difficult and costly at the best of times. Even with caution, slip ups happen. It is virtually impossible to live a 100% Gluten Free life. I read every label but manufactures change ingredients without notice from time to time. Cross contamination does happen in restaurant's even with GF menus. It sucks but its part of life. 

We deserve a cure. Right? Perhaps we need an advocate for Celiac Disease. Someone with the power to be heard. Someone who will campaign for us and make the issue a household name.

If the vaccine were available to me after successful trials, I would gladly take it. I'm pretty sure I would still maintain a gf lifestyle. But the vaccine would take away my constant fear, my worry over "whats in that" ? I would no longer fear eating at a restaurant or feel left out at a gathering. It would also, hopefully give me the option to eat something containing wheat if I choose to do so.


Crispy Chicken Nuggets From Scratch

Top to bottom: Coated in bread crumbs,
frying in the pan, and ready to eat =)
I made chicken nuggets from scratch recently. This is not normally something I crave but I figured what the heck and gave it a try. In all honesty, I don't normally work with raw meat so I was a bit nervous. I'm pretty happy I put my fear aside as they turned out to be quite moist and yummy! The only thing I would like to play around with is the bread crumbs. Although tasty, they did need more seasoning.

Ingredients you will need

  • 3 Skinless Boneless Chicken Breasts
  • 1 Cup of GF flour
  • 1 Teaspoon Salt
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Ground Pepper
  • 1 Tablespoon of your favourite Herb Seasoning or Garlic Powder
  • 1 Egg  & 1/4 Cup of Vegetable Oil, whisked together
  • 1/2 Cup grated Parmesan Cheese
  • 1/4 of Vegetable Oil for pan frying. 


  • Tenderise chicken if you like. I placed the chicken breasts in between 2 sheets of wax paper and used mallet to pound them.
  • With a sharp knife, cut the chicken breasts into the nugget size of you choosing
  • Now you will need 3 separate  shallow containers ( I used Tupperware ). For container one, combine GF flour, salt, pepper and seasonings. In container 2 whisk together egg and vegetable oil. In container combine GF bread crumbs and Parmesan cheese.
  • Place the chicken strips in flour mixture and coat evenly.  Next, dip chicken into the egg/vege oil mixture and finally coat the chicken with the bread crumb mixture in container 3.
  • Line a baking sheet with wax paper and place chicken strips on top. Then place in fridge for 30-40 min before frying.
  • Heat vegetable oil on med high heat.  and add chicken strips. Cook each side until golden brown, about 3-4 minutes.

    As you will see from the photo, I paired my chicken nuggets with steamed veggies, a warm Queijo and some apple butter dipping sauce.  The left over nuggets that we didn't eat went into the freezer for a future meal. 


    Awesome Homemade Gluten Free Bread


    I make my own Gluten Free bread and I love the rewarding experience it has become.

    For years I ate and accepted sub-par store bought bread. You know what I'm talking about- the frozen, tasteless brick that is dense and could break a window when thawed. I had heard the horror stories about baking Gluten Free bread at home. For a long time I had not dared to attempt it myself.

    Why did I finally decide to make my own bread at home? The rising cost of food in general, not just the GF food cost increase.This gave me the boost I needed to try baking my own bread. A little bit of inspiration can go a long way.Good bye $7.99 a loaf  of bread.

    On to the bread making. Being new to it I decided to try mixes instead of making the bread from scratch. The first bread mix I purchased was an epic failure and danced right into the garbage can. Disappointed I was, but not enough to give up. Round two with a new mix was slightly better but not the quality I was looking for. Instead of throwing my creation into the garbage I decided to find another purpose for it. Stuffing it became! Easily made and easily frozen for future use. This made me realize there are a few ways to re-purpose bread that does not turn out well. So if your bread ever fails, try making not only stuffing but croutons or bread crumbs.

    By chance, I  stumbled upon Duinkerken White Sandwich Bread Mix.Hoping luck would be on my side this time, I purchased a box. It turned out to be a beautiful beginning.  This mix makes light and airy sandwich bread! Not only is it delicious, the texture is just like "normal" bread! Finally a bread that I don't have to "toast" to eat!

    Its so easy to make! I blend this mix in my BeauMark Mixer with the dough blade. Add yeast to the mixture and give it a good blend. Then add 2 eggs (room temp), oil and water. That easy! Pour the mixture which should be fairly wet looking, into bread pan that has been greased /sprayed with cooking spray. I dip my spatula in water a few times while smoothing the top of the loaf. I then make a crease in the middle of it. After this I put the loaf in a dark place to rest for about 45 minutes. Then into the oven it goes.

    ***After a few tries with this bread, I decided to alter a few things. I added 2 tablespoons of honey and
    1 1/2 tablespoons of sugar to the mixture. I find it adds the right amount of sweetness.

     ***I bake the bread for 1 hour instead of 45 minutes. In my oven it needs the full hour. Taking it right out of a hot oven and cooling in on the counter is a bit of a shock to the loaf. This small trick prevents the bread from sinking: when baking time is up, I turn off the oven and leave the door closed until the temperature inside cools down to  room temperature. This helps prevent the loaf from sinking.


    This policy is valid from 23 February 2013

    This is a personal blog written and edited by me. All opinions are that of my own. I am not a healthcare professional or an expert. All information presented in this blog is purely that of my own experience and or opinion. Please consult a medical professional before making any changes to your diet.

    I write this blog as a hobby that I am passionate about. From time to time, I may receive monetary compensation for a sponsored post. I only work with brands that I trust and would use in my own home.

    This blog accepts complimentary products for review. The opinions I have of a product will never be swayed by a company sending me an item(s) for free. I take into consideration the opinion of family members who are gluten-free due to Celiac Disease and I also value the opinions of non-gluten free family members. Taste is a matter of personal opinion so please use your own discretion and don't take my opinion as a gold standard.

    Any ingredient or gluten-free claims should be verified with the restaurant/manufacturer as things can and do change.

    For questions about this blog, please contact:

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    © Gluten Free Doll. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.