Why is it that Gluten Free is such a phony baloney money maker? Who decided that Gluten Free shall be trendy? I'm surprised I haven't seen an infomercial that claims to hold the cure yet. Every day I am blown away by what is out there and it's just getting worse. I wish that people would STOP CASHING IN ON CELIAC DISEASE.
The other day I read an article on a reputable mom site that was all about hidden gluten. I should have stopped right away when the person who wrote the article mentioned the Wheatbelly author. Apparently I have too much faith in people as I continued on. The article closed with a Ryan Seacrest cavalierness about going Gluten Free for even just 16 days. The kicker was the direct link at the at the bottom of the page,which led to the author's website. That website hocks a Gluten Free Renewal Cleanse for the low low price of $89.00.
What gives? Why is Celiac the disease to exploit?